30 October 2012

Ivan Sigal is a photographer, artist, writer and leader in the development of alternative media organizations. He is known for his long-term explorations of societies undergoing conflict or political transition, and collaborative projects with communities to depict their own experiences and control their own media systems. Since 2008, Sigal has served as executive director of Global Voices, a virtual newsroom working with citizen journalists and media producers from around the world. White Road, Sigal’s photo/text study of the former Soviet Union and Central Asia, was published by Steidl in 2012 and was a solo exhibit at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. His photography is in the collections of the Corcoran Gallery, the National Gallery of Art and others. He was a Kluge Fellow in Digital Studies at the Library of Congress (2017–19), where he explored archival imagery of conflict, and was board chair of the Open Society Foundation’s Documentary Photography Project (2014-2019).

From 2013-2017 he was a fellow and affiliate at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, furthering research in digital storytelling and networked publics. He was a 2016 nonfiction writing fellow at the Carey Institute for Global Good. He was an adjunct professor at the Corcoran College of Art & Design, teaching visual storytelling, and a Senior Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, where he wrote about shifts in media technologies, and their effects on violent conflict. He was a regional director and vice president for Internews Network. Ivan has lived and traveled in over 90 countries. He was based in the former Soviet Union and Asia for more than a decade, where he developed and led dozens of media initiatives focused on conflict, humanitarian disaster and transitional societies. 

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